Wednesday, 26 September 2012


While I'm waiting for the paperwork to be signed and the hard work to start, I'm having lots of fun thinking about fencing, shelters, hen houses and chicken/pig varieties. I am so excited about my pigs and chickens. I've set myself quite sensible achievable goals for the first 6 months, I think. First
job is build a pig pen with a shelter, then get two weaners. They are going to clear the ground for me, so I can move the pigs to another spot after Christmas, and grow a few veg on the cleared patch. I am restricted as to what I can grow this year, in the freshly turned and manured earth, but next year I should have a free reign and get lots of lovely veggies. I may build some raised beds too. I also want my chicken house on site in the spring, and I'm having a great time looking at all the different types of chicken out there. I love Brahma's, and Cochins, Maran's and Wyandotte's, but in reality I will just go to our local breeder and choose 6 birds that are all slightly different so that the children can tell them apart.


  1. I am so, so envious. A hugely daunting thing but, as always, you always seem to approach things with huge positivity.
    So glad I can comment now :)

  2. Thanks Thursday! You know I like to keep myself busy.
