This is my first blog post about Runwell Glebe. This week we have gotten our first animal. Our aim is to have pigs, chickens, turkeys and possibly ducks for our first year at the Glebe, so we went out and got ourselves…..
A dog.
A lovely silly smelly Borzoi called Ivan.
As you can probably guess this wasn't in our immediate plans for the small holding lifestyle but our dream dog of a Borzoi became available.
Borzoi’s are Russian Wolf hounds and look like the bastard offspring of a llama and a greyhound. They are classed as a giant dog and reach around 30” at the shoulder. Borzoi’s traditionally have been very popular with Royalty and the aristocracy so we’re hoping he can make us act in a more genteel way, although I'm not sure how genteel we can be shovelling pig poo!
As far as the rest of the work at the Glebe goes, we have planted our first 5 trees and are hoping to plant potatoes this week.
Enjoy the beginning’s of spring, Daniel. ( boyfriend / lackey )