Friday, 26 October 2012

Slight change of plan

It's all happening here.  Maybe faster than I'd originally thought too.  I was going to concentrate on the pigs first; getting fences built and the pigs on the land by Christmas.  Then a friend called to say someone online was trying to find a home for a huge chicken run and house, with approximately 10 chickens(some of which are ex-battery hens) and a cockerel.  I wasn't quite ready for chickens, I was planning on waiting until spring, but life has a funny way of throwing things in your direction when you least expect it.

I've been discussing the big move with the woman that owns them, so once the logistics are sorted these guys will be coming to live with me!

Sunday, 14 October 2012


We just spent all afternoon at the field pulling up and burning the stacks of Ragwort that has taken root over there.  Horsey people will know all about this horrible weed as it's incredibly poisonous to horses, and builds up in their bodies, slowly poisoning them.  Pigs can eat it, but then the seeds come out the other end and you are back to square one, so I am trying to eradicate it as much as possible when I can.  Plus, if we see a small pony for the children, we may wish to buy it, and can't with the grazing in its current state.

My friend Sam came over with her two children, and they all had what I call a proper old fashioned childhood day, running free and building dens, without us having to worry about then running off as it's completely enclosed.  I was jealous.  I wish I was 8 again!

Trying to burn the ragwort.

We are home now, and all exhausted from the fresh air.  Kit has fallen asleep on the sofa, bless him.